Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gorgeous Day

Yesterday was amazing, Troy transformed from dreary, gray, and decaying to sizzling, colorful, and full of life. Its amazing what good weather can do for your mood, that and being outdoors. I was talking with a friend about how when you "grow up" you leave behind all these things from your childhood like climbing trees and rocks, playing in the dirt, getting your feet wet. You're always in a rush to grow up and then finally you get to your late teens and you're like, "wait, but I miss everything from before!" Days like yesterday so are so great because they give you chance to appreciate everything that really makes life so great, being with your friends, beautiful weather, eating pierogies, savoring water, and enjoying things that are just naturally beautiful and breathtaking. I finally got the perfect crinoline tutu that I had been searching for! Ahhhh, can't wait to wear it, I've wanted one since I was a kid and now I finally have one. It's perfect, with excessive layers of fabric in a light mauvish pink hue.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Drag him out your window. Dragging out the dead. Singing I miss you..

So I put my iPod on shuffle and up came Radiohead's "A Wolf At the Door" from Hail to the Thief and I was just floored, what an amazing song. I gave a listen to the rest of the album and I cant believe I hadnt been listening to it earlier. Radiohead makes such beautiful music, their lyrics are so evocative, they really make you feel something. I love the album artwork, I wikied it and the layout is meant to resemble a roadmap with various signs. Read up Thom Yorke's explanation of the song and its supposed to be a compilation of nightmares. What a perfect description, this song makes me feel like my nerves are on end, like charged copper wires are falling out of my myellin sheathed schwann cells, tearing up the tissues and cells with their blunt, fiery ends.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hand Drawn Masterpiece

Went to Top Draw at the onedotzero film festival today. Top Draw is a compilation of videos based on hand drawn drawings. I have a new appreciation for animated film. It requires such unbelievable talent, creativity, and patience, you're creating a little world completely from scratch. amazing. Here are a few of my favorites

1. Edwin Rostron's Morris and the Other. So quirky, and a bit disturbing

2. Golden Cage- The Whitest Boy Alive. Directed by Geoff McFetridge

3. Lapsus- Juan Carlo Zaramello

Can you spot a pattern?

Went to the onedotzero film festival at EMPAC in Troy, NY last night with the Philoso-raptor, a.k.a Lau-rawr. Onedotzero is an internationally renowned film festival and last night was the premiere of its debut in the United States. I can't imagine how different it must be for the organizers to move it from a place as cosmopolitian and cutting edge as Tokyo to a quiet, kind of rundown place like Troy, but hey, maybe EMPAC will change that in upcoming years.

We saw this video production called wavelength 08, a compilation of cutting edge music videos from artists ranging from R.E.M. to Justice to Radiohead. Bjork's Wanderlust was probably my favorite. It was just so beautiful and magestic, the trees actually being water buffalo, her clay alter ego trying to take over. So eerie and full of yearning it fit the song perfectly I thought.

Wanderlust from yoichi on Vimeo.

I think the clay figure on her back is her past trying to reexert control over her present, but then at the hand she comes to terms with her past, embracing it, because after all who are we without our past. Who we are now is built off of who we were before. Also there's that huge theme of being connected to nature and Bjork feeling nomadic, having this sense of wanderlust, to which Im sure anyone can realte.

Outside of the screening there were ongoing video viewing stations equipped with huge, comfy beanbag chairs and noise cancelling headphones. Here's another one of my favorites, The Knife: We Share Our Mother's Health

My take on this song? Mother=earth, the environment. We hurt it, destroy it, eg global warming, dumping toxic wastes but in the end this affect us too because, "We share our mother's health." The philoso-raptor took a more literal approach, "Its just about children sharing their mom's health."

Strata 1- Quayola

Strata #1 from Quayola on Vimeo.
this looks really amazing, seeing it tonight.

Basically I'm so excited that something as cool as this has come to Troy, looking forward to more amazing events in the future.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Worry Stone

our somalian shadow lurks in corners.
neither soon nor heard, he walks gingerly,
his only traces are disturbances in air patterns, shifts in dust.
he walks these corridors daily,
taking pleasure in undulating echoes reverberating off immaculate marble.
slips into a hole,
listens to x&y diatribes,
seeing their faces tilted up
towards this shrunken old dwarf as if he holds a key
with all his incessent talk.
gingerly, he breaks off an integral.
slipping it into his mouth,he tastes knowledge,
cold and smooth.